[Linuxptp-devel] give a high priority to ptp when stable
Arnold kang
2016-04-13 02:21:31 UTC
when ptps in daemon become stable, all device in this daemon synced at
this moment. but when a new ptp device join in this daemon and may become
master, this broke sync in the daemon. I think how about when ptps become
stabled, we give these devices a high priority, when new device join with
default priority, new device become slave, and sync from current master.
this will be useful for some one only need all device have same time.
I think we can change ptp's priority2 base on port state.thanks
Richard Cochran
2016-04-13 17:15:40 UTC
Post by Arnold kang
I think we can change ptp's priority2 base on port state.thanks
So you want a policy that says, the first master among a group of
equally good nodes stays master?

There are at least two ways you can enforce that policy:

1. Start the first node with a higher, static priority2 value.

2. Monitor the port state by scripting pmc (or write a program of your
own), and when the port state changes to master, then send a "set
priority2" command.

